MOTION COMPOSER (2011-2015).

Instituto Stocos collaborate from the start of this innovative project focused on turning movement into music using interactive technology. Pablo Palacio is one of the composers developing Interactive environments for this technology. The MotionComposer turns movement into music. Persons with other abilities including those with cerebral palsy, aphasia, autism, quadriplegia, blindness, Alzheimerand Parkinsoncan express themselves musically through movement. It is an easy-to-use desk-top device that senses movement and then uses it to generate music and musical sounds. With its high-resolution and low-latency technology, even people with severe disabilities, such as those with finger or eye movement control, or those with limited cognitive ability, are stimulated and encouraged by the experience. The MotionComposer has been developed by movement experts, composers and therapists who get involved in our workshops all over the world. These exchanges are essential for developing the device it is not just a tool, but a community, and we welcome you to join! Our goal is to make music-through-movement available to thousands (and actually millions) of persons around the world with limitations in their ability to express their feelings and artistic impulses.
HIBR. (2013-2014). 35 min. WITH MAHMOUD TOURKMANI.

Music for for the ballet Hibr, choreographed by the Maqamat and Marcel Leeman Dance companies. Premiered at Dampfzentrale (Switzerland), the 13th of February, 2014.
For oud and electronics using an octave subdivisión of 48 parts. The work was composed using the Supercollider programming language for algorithmic compositon.
Music: Pablo Palacio and Mahmoud Tourkmani.
SHIFTING GEO. (2013-2014). 55 min.

Computer music for the ballet Shifting Geo choreographed by Erasga and Cocoon dance companies. For computer. Premiered at the Cultch in Vancouver (Canada), the 18th of February, 2014.
Music: Pablo Palacio.

Muriel Romero dances John Cage : 16 Dances with Ensemble Ascolta and Unterwegstheater Heidelberg, at Stuttgart Theaterhaus and Heidelberg Hebel Halle (Germany). In the period November 1st-9th, 2012.
FACING THE BLANK PAGE. (2010-2011). 45 min.

Music and light score composed for he stage work Facing the Blank page for Maqamat Dance Theater (Lebanon, Beirut). It was premiered in January 2011 during the Attakkalari India Biennal, Bangalore (India).
Composed in eight channels using only dynamic stochastic synthesis. All sounds in the piece are created from scratch using via an original implementation of the algorithm in Supercollider language. An stochastic score for a 27 light structure was also composed for the stage performance of the piece.
The piece was premiered also as a light and music installation at Firenze in 2012 in the Festival Post Electronica in memoriam John Cage.
Music: Pablo Palacio
Lights: Pablo Palacio and Omar Rajeh

Muriel Romero was the Spanish Dancer in this European Culture Project . European Tele-Plateaus is an international initiative planned to run through 2010 with an aim to create publicly accessible networked audiovisual sites. The main objective is to make possible and support real-time sensory-physical interactions of people over long distances. Therefore, we work to establish a permanent network allowing for direct audiovisual real-time interactions between similarly configured public sites and performance stages across Europe. Tele-Plateaus will be composed, controlled and structured by movements of people from different cities. Within these networked stages and sites people from Dresden, Madrid, Norrköping, and Prague (among the first connected cities) can dance and play together. They can simultaneously create pictures, sounds, and light effects by means of their own movements without operating any additional interfaces. The shared virtual hyper-site is based on the generation of data that is available for processing to all computers within a common network. Movement parameters (speed, spatial position, etc.) are captured and digitalised by camera-based motion system and exchanged between computers at distant locations with a technically similar configuration. At concrete sites the numerically coded movement parameters are creatively transformed into audiovisual outputs and processes. Tele-Plateaus will ultimately provide accessible environments for live telematic artistic performances and other collaborative activities.
PHING. (2010). 45 min./h4>

Composed in collaboration with Christian Vogel as part of the project Bird Palace. The composition was completley gene- rated out of a 10ms sonic cell, an utterance of the consonant ‘t’.
The piece the been released by the label Sub Rosa and included in the Anthology of Noise & Experimental Music # 6
Music: Pablo Palacio and Christian Vogel
WINE UNDER MOON. (2009). 25 min.

Music composed for Wine Under moon. A project with Palindrome and MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY. The music of Wine Under Moon was composed in order to reveal the tone quality of chinese speech. For this purpose the pitch con- tours (chinese tones) of the words are extracted (using linear predictive coding) and then either imposed on acoustic chi- nese instruments or resynthesized as sine tones that coexist with the original vocal source. These vocal sources are also transformed using time varying time stretchings, spectral stretching, generation of crowd textures and different granula- tion approaches. The composition was made using CDP (Composers Desktop Project) and Supercollider language. The premiere took place at ELLIS HALL in MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY (Springfield, EEUU).
Music by Pablo Palacio
KONOKOL. (2008-2009). 4 min.

Sonic transformations of a 3 second indian utterance performing a konokol phrase. Composed for the WOCMAT Interna- tional Workshop of Computer Music in Tai-Pei (China). Performed by Palindrome Inter Media Performance Group. Octo- ber, 2009.
THE IRIN. (2009-2010). 35m.

Music composed for the ballett The Irin-der Fluch des Engels. A production of Mainz StaatsTheater (Mainz, Germany) choreographed by Pascal Touzeau.
Music by Pablo Palacio
GISELIÑA. (2008-2009). 35 min.

Music composed for Wine Under moon. A project with Palindrome and MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY. The music of Wine Under Moon was composed in order to reveal the tone quality of chinese speech. For this purpose the pitch con- tours (chinese tones) of the words are extracted (using linear predictive coding) and then either imposed on acoustic chi- nese instruments or resynthesized as sine tones that coexist with the original vocal source. These vocal sources are also transformed using time varying time stretchings, spectral stretching, generation of crowd textures and different granula- tion approaches. The composition was made using CDP (Composers Desktop Project) and Supercollider language. The premiere took place at ELLIS HALL in MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY (Springfield, EEUU).
Music by Pablo Palacio
ANDRÓGENA DE MINAS. (2007-2008). 18 min.

Music composed for the ballet Androgina de mInas, choreographed by Cisco Aznar ((Compagnie Buissonniere-Laussane, Switzerland).
The music is Composer entirely upon sonic transformations of the phrase “ven conmigo (come with me)” using the CDP programming environment. The piece recreates the brazilian daimonic ritual of the Pomba Gira.
Music by Pablo Palacio
BLUMENKABARETT. (2007). 34 min.

Music composed for the for the piece Blumen Kabarett (Compagnie Buissonniere-Laussane, Switzerland).
For trumpets, percussion, and computer. In this work the melodic contours of japanese speech melodic contours are ex- tracted and imposed on the trumpet sounds, making them talk with unusual bendings and formant structures.
Music by Pablo Palacio